At 20:06 on 9 January 2025 we wrote to Burlescombe Parish Council saying:

We are writing to clarify two important points regarding the upcoming meeting.

Firstly, we agree with the Parish Council’s concerns about parish polls. They are expensive, typically have low turnout, and often fail to reflect the views of the wider community. However, your focus on the cost of a poll has overlooked an equally important issue: why a parish meeting might be called. This meeting has been convened to provide the community with an open and transparent forum to discuss the proposed precept increase for 2025/26: an issue of historic and present significant public concern that warrants more time and attention than is possible in a regular Council meeting.

Secondly, while this meeting is not being called by any one individual or group, it is important to note that a formal request was made to the Parish Council to convene the meeting on behalf of parish electors. Unfortunately, the Council declined to do so, leaving residents no option but to take on this responsibility themselves. This context is crucial to understanding why the meeting is taking place and underscores the commitment of parishioners to ensuring their voices are heard.

To further support community input, a community survey has been launched: This survey is free, inclusive, and far more practical than a parish poll. We encourage the Council to share the link widely, and we will happily provide the results to help guide your decisions.

Finally, those calling the meeting have emphasised that they had no intention to call for a parish poll. We urge the Council not to raise the precept in anticipation of one. This meeting is about fostering transparency and open discussion on a community-wide issue, not personal agendas or conflict.

We hope the Council will work with parishioners to ensure decisions reflect the views and best interests of everyone.

At 14:47 on 10 January 2025 Burlescombe Parish Council wrote in a social media post (See: Website):

Burlescombe Parish Council held a meeting on Monday 6 January at Westleigh URC Hall. Key updates:

• A further Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 January so Councillors can fully consider the budget, having only gained access to the bank account on Thursday 2 January.

• Six electors have called a Parish Meeting (which is different to a Parish Council Meeting) on Friday 17 January at 6pm. More info on this will follow. A poll could be called at that meeting, which would cost the parish around £5,000-£8,000. The financial risk of this happening (at this Parish Meeting or any future one that’s called) must be factored into our budget and precept (the part of your Council Tax bill that funds Burlescombe Parish Council).

Next Burlescombe Parish Council meeting: Tuesday 21 January 2025 – Westleigh URC.”

It’s disappointing that Burlescombe Parish Council ignored our points and focused on a poll that isn’t planned. Their response feels divisive and intimidating. We believe in fostering open discussion and collaboration instead.